Dr. Selvakumar
Devi Clinic
SEO is a long term investment any company can invest in. Inasmuch, SEO optimizes any search whereby the chances of your company appearing on the first two pages are very real; SEO also has the ability to increase market opportunities by creating brand awareness and increasing traffic.
PIXEL CLEAR, a Sri Lankan company with wide experience in SEO; naturally, is capable of increasing your website rankings, be it Google, Bing or Yahoo search engines. Strikingly, we are better known as a WHITE HAT SEO Company.
Our company has made this possible by offering technical expertise, copy writing ability with an abundance of experience. What’s more, Pixel Clear SEO has accomplished the needs of companies which have complex websites in comparative industries.
PIXEL CLEAR Company’s SEO team always has a close relationship with its clients. This is why; clients appreciate and recommend us as one of the Best Search Engine Optimization Company. Our clients are from Sri Lanka, Australia and very soon France. Of course, the barometer in measuring SEO success is quintessentially result oriented rather than mere words. For a quick preview of our client responses to SEO; please follow the video link.
Company Name | Website | Keyword | Google Rank |
Glen Reception | www.glenreceptions.com | Wedding halls in Dehiwala | 1 |
Anjayu Villa (The House Of Ayurveda) (Pvt) Ltd | www.anjayuvilla.com | Ayurveda small Beach resort in Sri Lanka | 1 |
Freelancer Statistician | www.statistics.lk | Freelancer statistician In Sri Lanka | 1 |
Devi Clinic | www.deviclinic.lk | Acupuncture Treatment in Sri Lanka | 1 |
Mathammana Oethopedic | www.orthopedic.lk | Artificial limbs in Sri Lanka | 1 |
Plants & Plants | www.plantsandplants.lk | indoor and outdoor plants in sri lanka | 1 |
Vibhavi Academy of Fine Arts | www.vibhaviacademy.org | art courses in sri lanka | 1 |
acemontessori | www.acemontessori.lk | montessori in wellawatte | 1 |
dentaltourism | www.dentaltourism.lk | dental tourism in sri lanka | 1 |
Power Lanka (Pvt.) Ltd | www.powerlanka.lk | Generators in sri lanka | 6 |
Green Sence Constructions (Pvt.) Ltd | www.greensceneconstructions.lk | Machine Hiring in Kandy | 2 |
Glorious Travels | www.glorioustravels.lk | Glorious Travels | 1 |
Panda solar (Pvt)Ltd | www.pandasolar.lk | Solar Power Company in Sri Lanka | 1 |
Babylon Industries (Pvt)Ltd | www.babylon.lk | Stainless Steel Company in Sri Lanka | 1 |
TEC VISIONS | www.tecvision.lk | Construction Equipment Training Courses in Sri Lanka | 1 |
dentaltourism | www.dentaltourism.lk | Dentist in Kandy | 2 |
Devi Clinic
Matammana Orthopedic
Anjayu Villa
Does your web site generate business [for you]? What’s your web site ranking with Google, Bing, and Yahoo search engines – does it appear on the first page or not? If not give us your information! We will send a proposal within two working days.
Before implementing SEO we analyze your website. This is a step-by-step process where amongst many factors colloquial keywords are used with search engines. Nevertheless, our company’s ultimate goal is to get our client(s) more visitors, in turn, enhancing the probability of a sales and lead.
The goal of on page and off page optimization means generating a theme consistent with your targeted keywords. Put simply this means, the search engine is a robot, not a human … thus must follow our commands whereby the robot brings your website to potential customers who search for specific business with most plausible keywords.
Before beginning any search engine optimization (SEO) project, it is important to understand the process involved in an SEO campaign. Pixel Clear SEO caters to clients who require an intensive, full-service approach to search engine marketing.
Keyword usage explains how often a search phrase/clause is used logically in the text
On page optimization refers to all measures that can be taken directly in a website to advance its position.
In the field of SEO, link building denotes actions aimed at increasing the number and quality of inbound links to a webpage
Our SEO reviews consist of several factors like; content, linking the structure, social media efforts, and its trust on the internet
This year’s research shows that approximately 85% of all Web sites are found via search engines.
96% of Internet users begin their Web search through a major search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL)
SEO allows you to choose keywords or phrases for searches performed by potential customers.
According to … In January 2016, more than 17.5 billion searches were performed with 342 billion search results
A well meant SEO with search friendly Web-design will help to bring more visitors to your Website.
Website reputation is built upon a search engines ranking – the higher the better!